
Unique Christian & Jewish Wall Art & Gifts

For all press inquiries, please contact Ruthie at

Interviews, Gift Guides, Editorial, Digital



Product Details

Our Framed Artwork:

Our custom wood framed artwork is made from beautiful Nordic Oak Wood.

The piece is hand framed in the United States by a talented team of artisans.

The art is dry mounted in the frame and surounded by a archival matte matboard, with a frame-grade acrylic in the front and a dustcover back.

The back of the frame has wire hanging and felt bumpers - this piece of custom framed art arrives ready to hang.

Brand Story & Background

Please see our full story and the founding of the brand here.

Recommend with Confidence

You can see our customer reviews here.

National Magazine Feature

We were featured in the May 2021 issue of Woman's Day magazine. They highlighted The Verse prints as a wonderful gift for yourself or others on the occasion of the National Day of Prayer.